Wise Investments: A Series

As a digital agency, we’re in the business of selling. We sell a host of services to businesses in Bellingham and throughout Whatcom County, ranging from social media management to content creation, to marketing planning, development, and execution, to web services like design and development. We’ve been in the game for over 15 years and have seen it all.

Sometimes, as we talk with clients or sell our services, we are met with resistance. Sticking points can be price, and sometimes scale, but many businesses find reasons to avoid investing in their marketing, web, and digital technology. 

These same people make investments in other aspects of their business and their lives every day. They put aside profits for reinvestment. They invest in human capital by training their employees. They invest in equipment to get the job done. They invest in their own health by exercising and eating right. They invest in their teeth by going to the dentist. All of the investments that people tend to make come as a result of their own life experience and the advice given to them by experts and the people they trust.

Investing in Your Digital Presence

If you’re in the business of making investments (which you are if you’re paying taxes, making money, and buying food), how do you invest in your digital presence, and why should you?

Conventional wisdom says “you should have a website”, and it is likely that you already have one. However, what we like to ask potential clients is: what does your digital portfolio (your website, social media, email list) do for you, and how do you measure it?

If your answer to this question is “I don’t know”, or “not a lot”, or even “it helps people find me when they search on Google”, congratulations! We need to talk about your web investments.

We've put together a series for your enjoyment, so feel free to peruse and enjoy! 

(This article was originally written for Big Fresh, and has been modified and updated)


Wise Investments #1: Information and Analytics